
Executive Director

  • Founder, “Greater Expectations Outreach Ministry”
  • Became an active MAFRAC stakeholder and grantee
  • Joined the team as the Prince George’s & Howard Counties Coordinator
  • Selected as Executive Director in October 2022


Through specific projects, MAFRAC will uncover underutilized crops, build and strengthen new relationships within the local food system, creating an equitable, sustainable, and nourishing food system.

Projects/Spokes Possibly Steps in Order:

  1. Farm collective, CSA style purchasing program.
    1. Continue the good work that was done by bringing food pantries and feeding organizations together to leverage their purchasing power with local farmers. Allowing farmers to plan ahead, reducing waste, bringing the best price of local foods to those in need. (i.e. Pilot program with chickens)
  1. Specialty crop block grant.
    1. This grant will fund a specific research project that will test farmers’ abilities to enter new markets on a cost-competitive basis, such as niche markets of culturally appropriate foods that support specific demographics and food pantries.
    2. Partner with George Mason University to discover/highlight top food insecurity root causes and leverage their wealth of knowledge/research.
    3. This project will involve research, testing, and reporting which will inform future MAFRAC endeavors .
  1. Local Food Grants – enhanced. 
    1. Funding specific crops  and ensuring money goes directly to farmers. Buying crops outright and “Market testing”.
    2. Farmers will apply to be a part of this program by informing our grant committee of their specific crops available and the price at which they can supply them.
    3. Hunger relief organizations will apply for the specific foods that are being offered and the grant committee will determine who has been awarded the food, rather than the grant.
    4. This program introduces new relationships between farmers and hunger relief organizations.
  1. Marketing campaign.
    1.  Provide assistance through research to help farmers be more cost competitive while still maintaining regenerative practices.
    2. Justify costs of local foods.
    3. Health equity, prescribing fruits and vegetables to the community, getting healthy foods into the hands of regular people.
    4. Tap into new markets whether they be niche, culturally relevant or wholesale.
    5. Use of recipes.


Our community of stakeholders has already proven to be successful in the following areas and will continue to further develop in these areas:

-Access to capital

-Helping small-scale organizations to leverage collective purchasing power

-Setting up market connections

-Distribution, logistics, and support


-Support on the business side

Goals and Objectives:

-Lower entry cost barriers to various markets for hunger relief organizations. Focusing on small-scale producers.

-Build and strengthen connections between feeding organizations and farmers.

-Introduce new crops, creating new markets for farmers.